shortly explained
the Digital Library
Who is behind this project?
The Digital Library of the Church Struggle is a project of the Association of Archives and Libraries in the Protestant Church (AABevK).
How can I use this website?
The website allows you to search for printed material from the time of the church struggle. About 15,000 publications with relevant content and their holdings from Protestant libraries and archives have been listed in a database. Of these, around 2,800 publications are freely accessible as digital copies linked via the database.
What does the Digital Library of the Church Struggle want?
The aim of the project is to significantly facilitate academic research into the history of the Protestant churches during the National Socialist era by providing a central inventory of relevant writings. At the same time, the digitisation of writings serves the preservation of the collection, as these writings are particularly threatened by acid corrosion, which was typical of the period.
What are the terms of use for the digital copies?
The digital copies you find here are no longer subject to copyright protection or are made available by the institutions via a licence for out-of-print works. All the digital copies linked here can therefore be read in full or downloaded for your own use. (If you wish to make further use of the digital copies, please always contact the respective institution first to clarify the copyright situation).
Where do the catalogue records and digital copies come from?
The holdings records and digital copies come from Protestant libraries and archives. The participating institutions catalogue relevant holdings, digitise them where possible and make them available via this website. So far, nine institutions have participated in this project.
The following institutions are involved in the project
Bibliothek der Augustana-Hochschule
Waldstraße 15
91564 Neuendettelsau
Bibliothek des Landeskirchenamtes Hannover
Rote Reihe 6
30169 Hannover
Evangelisches Zentralarchiv
Bethaniendamm 29
10997 Berlin
Hochschul- und Landeskirchenbibliothek Wuppertal
Missionsstraße 11
42285 Wuppertal
Landeskirchenarchiv Eisenach
Ernst-Thälmann-Straße 88
99817 Eisenach
Landeskirchliches Archiv Bielefeld
Altstädter Kirchplatz 5
33602 Bielefeld
Evangelische Hochschul- und Zentralbibliothek Württemberg
Balinger Straße 33/1
70567 Stuttgart
Zentralarchiv der Evangelischen Kirche der Pfalz
Domplatz 6
67346 Speyer
Zentralbibliothek der Ev. Kirche in Hessen und Nassau
64285 Darmstadt